I’m looking for effective methods to manage excess energy from regenerative braking when the battery is fully charged. Are there industry-standard practices or specific components to safely dissipate...
Picture of Michael Turner

Michael Turner

asked 4 months ago


I’m seeking guidance on the best techniques for welding copper bus bars to aluminum battery tabs for my current project. Given the different properties of these metals, I...
Picture of Cormac Barry

Cormac Barry

asked 5 months ago

Recent Answer:

If the battery is full - motor regen could be shut off and only mechanical braking can be used. This how most electric cars work. When the battery percentage is close to 100% the regen is disabled and you can only use mechanical braking. A more complex way is through heat dissipation using a brake resistor or similar. However i don't know if this has ever been done in practice because the regeneration would generates a lot of kW.
Lucien Moreau
answered 4 months ago

Recent Answer:

Thanks Jordan, very insightful. Laser welding seems to be the most versatile method.
Cormac Barry
answered 4 months ago

Recent Answer:

Ultrasonic welding or laser welding are the two most commonly used welding processes. Many pros and cons to each process but it can all depend on the thickness of your busbars. Laser welding is more suited when your battery pack has a high amperage output, thus needing thicker busbars. In relation to dissimilar metals, again laser welding is more suited for joining dissimilar metals but you may need to nickle plate the copper bus bars to prevent galvanic corrosion - someone else might be able to chime in on this... The material thickness will depend on the amps your pack is outputting. For the joint design - if using a laser welder, typically it is set to weld a predefined circular shape.
Jordan Hayes
answered 5 months ago

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